摘要:SummaryThe multiple mating type system of the CiliateTetrahymena thermophilais a self/non-self recognition system, whose specificity resides in a head-to-head, functionally distinct pair of genes,MTA and MTB. We have now sequenced and analyzed these mating type genes in nine additionalTetrahymenaspecies. We conclude thatMTAandMTBare derived from a common ancestral gene and have co-evolved for at least ∼150 Myr. We show thatT. shanghaiensis, a perpetual selfer (unisexual) species, has a single mating type gene pair, whoseMTAandMTBgenes likely have different mating type specificity. We document the recent replacement of a complete different set of mating type specificities for another, illustrating how quickly this can happen. We discuss how varying conditions of reproductive stress could result in evolutionary co-adaptations ofMTAandMTBgenes and changes in mating type determination mechanisms.Graphical abstractDisplay OmittedHighlights•The twoTetrahymenamating type proteins evolved from a common ancestor•Successive replacement waves generated the current diversity of mating type proteins•Well defined segments of both mating type proteins show differential lineage sorting•Perpetual selfer,T. shanghaiensis, has a heterospecific mating type gene pairBiological Sciences; Evolutionary Biology; Evolutionary Processes; Evolutionary Mechanisms; Phylogenetics; Phylogeny