摘要:Among the various causes of coastal erosion, the installation of offshore breakwaters is considered the main cause that influences the most serious changes in shorelines. However, without a proper means for predicting such terrain changes, countries and regions continue to suffer from the aftermath of development projects on coastal land. It has been confirmed that the parabolic bay shape equation (PBSE) can accurately predict shoreline changes under the wave climate diffracted as a result of such development projects. This study developed a shoreline change model that has enhanced the previous shoreline change models by applying PBSE to shoreline changes into bay-shaped features. As an analytical comparison with the second term of the GENESIS model, which is an existing and well-known shoreline change model, a similar beach erosion width was obtained for a small beach slope. However, as the beach slope became larger, the result became smaller than that of the GENESIS model. The validity of the model was verified by applying it to satellite images that demonstrated the occurrence of shoreline changes caused by breakwaters for seaports on the eastern coast of Korea; Wonpyeong beach, Yeongrang beach, and Wolcheon beach. As a result, each studied site converged on the static equilibrium planform within several years. Simultaneously, the model enabled the coastal management of the arrangement of seaports to evaluate how the construction of structures causes serious shoreline changes by creating changes to wavefields.