标题:Assessment of land subsidence as an environmental threat facing Dammam city, eastern Saudi Arabia based on soil geotechnical parameters using downhole seismic approach
摘要:AbstractTo meet the increasing in population, urbanization and public transportation needs of Dammam big city a new transportation infrastructure network is planned and being developed. In the same time, environmental threats of land subsidence on network has been raised and needs to be addressed.Site characterization for designing this transportation lines is crucial to ensure reliable and economic substructure design, because weak site soil conditions may cause land subsidence problems. Downhole seismic (DS) testing is commonly used to determine compression wave (P) and shear wave (S) velocity profiles in geotechnical engineering, which are required in evaluating responses to shaking of geotechnical sites and structures. A DS survey was conducted through boreholes at the center of the Dammam metropolitan city, Saudi Arabia. A sledgehammer horizontally striking a wooden plate generated shear (S) waves polarized in the crossline and inline directions, whereas a vertical hammer hitting a metal plate generated the P wave. Data were obtained using Freedom Data PC, a downhole tool with a triaxle geophone package, and a seismograph. In the downhole technique, the geophones were equestrian on an internal rotating block, and a built-in fluxgate compass as well as servo motor system maintained the orientation of the geophones inside the borehole. The instrumentation and processes complied with the standard test methods for downhole seismic testing (Standard and D7400-08, 2008). This represents, a versatile platform for evaluating structures/infrastructures and geophysical seismic engineering surveys. The estimated seismic velocities were used in estimating the various elastic moduli and density variations within the mapped boreholes. The integrated approach of proper geotechnical characterization and 1D velocity profile proved to be a helpful tool for assessment of subsidence of Dammam city in the future which, in turn, will reduce the environmental threats facing the city.