摘要:Research into the consequences of the accumulation of copper biocides in the marine environment has intensified since the ban on the use of organotin tributyltin (TBT) and the introduction of copper-based compounds in antifouling (AF) coatings. The specific emission of copper biocides and the surface of the wetted area of a vessel are the key parameters for the estimation of biocide emission. The estimated values of specific emissions of copper biocides should be taken with caution and their limitations and suitability for various surfaces and types of vessel should be known. Baseline limitations are also present in determining vessels’ wetted area. The available models do not provide realistic values, allowing multiple deviations. The proposed method of determining the wetted area considering container vessels and the specifics of their forms results in a set of hydrostatic diagrams that enable much more accurate estimation. The use of Automatic Identification System (AIS) is also proposed in terms of independent collection of required calculation parameters, enabling a full assessment of the total emission of copper biocides from container ships in the observed area.