摘要:This work presents the results obtained in the design and manufacture of a simple, economic and ecological filter based on Sargassum spp. (Sspp), consisting of the species S. natans and S. fluitans, for the elimination of organic and inorganic toxic substances. The main objective is to make use of Sspp, as the massive amounts of this alga arriving at the Mexican Caribbean coast have caused serious problems over recent years. The toxic substances treated were organic dyes (methyl blue, methyl orange and methyl red) and the metal ion, lead (II). To obtain optimal removal conditions, grinding of the Sspp used, its mass and humidity were evaluated. In the design of the filter the area, flow rate and the number of layers were evaluated. Removal rates of almost 100%, 65% and 25% were obtained for methylene blue, methyl red and methyl orange respectively, and in the case of lead (II), values up to 95% were obtained. After the tests, the Sspp was characterized, using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy, showing the presence of the dyes and the ionic species. These results demonstrate the efficiency of the dynamic Sspp-based filtration system proposed, which can be industrially scaled for the treatment of water contaminated with these kinds of substances.