摘要:The paper presents modelling of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) operation work efficiency using a two-stage method based on selected probability distributions and the Monte Carlo method. Calculations were carried out in terms of sewage susceptibility to biodegradability. Pollutant indicators in raw sewage and in sewage after mechanical treatment and biological treatment were analysed: BODsub5/sub, COD, total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP). The compatibility of theoretical and empirical distributions was assessed using the Anderson–Darling test. The best-fitted statistical distributions were selected using Akaike criterion. Performed calculations made it possible to state that out of all proposed methods, the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) for distribution proved to be the best-fitted. Obtained simulation results proved that the statistical tools used in this paper describe the changes of pollutant indicators correctly. The calculations allowed us to state that the proposed calculation method can be an effective tool for predicting the course of subsequent sewage treatment stages. Modelling results can be used to make a reliable assessment of sewage susceptibility to biodegradability expressed by the BODsub5/sub/COD, BODsub5/sub/TN and BODsub5/sub/TP ratios. New data generated this way can be helpful for the assessment of WWTP operation work and for preparing different possible scenarios for their operation.