摘要:Deficit irrigation strategy is essential for sustainable agricultural development in arid regions. A two−year deficit irrigation field experiment was conducted to study the water dynamics of winter wheat under deficit irrigation in Guanzhong Plain in Northwest China. Three irrigation levels were implemented during four growth stages of winter wheat: 100%, 80% and 60% of actual evapotranspiration (ET) measured by the lysimeter with sufficient irrigation treatment (CK). The agro−hydrological model soil−water−atmosphere−plant (SWAP) was used to simulate the components of the farmland water budget. Sensitivity analysis for parameters of SWAP indicated that the saturated water content and water content shape factor n were more sensitive than the other parameters. The verification results showed that the SWAP model accurately simulated soil water content (average relative error (MRE) 21.66%, root mean square error (RMSE) 0.07 cmsup3/sup cmsup−3/sup) and ET (Rsup2/sup = 0.975, ip/i 0.01). Irrigation had an important impact on actual plant transpiration, but the actual soil evaporation had little change among different treatments. The average deep percolation was 14.54 mm and positively correlated with the total irrigation amount. The model established using path analysis and regression methods for estimating ET performed well (Rsup2/sup = 0.727, ip/i 0.01). This study provided effective guidance for SWAP model parameter calibration and a convenient way to accurately estimate ET with fewer variables.