摘要:Using a micro-analytical approach, this case study attempts to capture and explain situation of local political elites in two comparable agrarian small towns from different parts of Habsburg Monarchy (Uherské Hradiště and Brixen) during crucial time of their transition from the Austrian rule to different conditions of new states after the WWI. We concentrate on social background and political and social attitudes of municipal elites, exposed to substantial pressures for adaptation emerging from deep contextual change with important national-political consequences and linked to democratisation and growing ideologization of political life. The two towns were determined to take a different path. Brixen was forcibly incorporated into a state with different history and culture and consequently faced establishment of Fascist regime. Political elites thus were confronted with until then unknown challenges. On the other hand, the transition to the own republican state represented a fulfilled dream for the citizens of Uherské Hraditě although local elites had to deal with the rise of new (educated) elites, new political parties and modern transformational processes. However, political-national fracture accompanied by modernising tendencies did not bring fundamental discontinuity in the position of municipal elites of both towns who were still able to maintain political and wider social influence.