标题:Quantitative correlations between wear behavior of Ti 1-xAl xN coating, structural transformations of the substrate WC-Co and coating itself during cathodic arc evaporation
摘要:The temperature ranges of structural transformations in WC-Co and Ti1-xAlxNin the process of cathode-arc evaporation are analyzed. The limiting values of the WC-Co temperature before the deposition of the coating correspond to 773 ... 873 K, after which the hardness of WC-Co and, as a consequence, the hardness of the composition WC-Co / Ti1-xAlxdeteriorates. Analysis of the coating structural transformations made it possible to establish the structuring stages of the Ti1-xAlxcoating during its deposition. Wear test was carried out for Ti1-xAlxcoatings formed at each structuring stage. Wear test were carried out according to the finger-disk scheme at 300 K in coolant-cutting fluid on a laboratory friction machine. The wear behavior of the Ti1-xAlxcoating are unstable at 773 K, then improve at 773 ... 853 K, stabilize with an increase in temperature to 963 K. The nanostructured Ti1-xAlxcoating formed in the temperature range Tsub/Tm= 0.18... 0.23have the best complex of wear properties in comparison with analogues.