摘要:Abstract. Within the ROBOMINERS project an innovative technologyfor the future exploitation of small and difficult to access mineraldeposits is being studied. The project has two main objectives. First, thedevelopment of a bioinspired reconfigurable robotic miner prototype, able tonavigate, explore and mine selectively with a certain degree of autonomy.The robot-miner will be able to work under different conditions, making theexploitation of many mineral deposits economically feasible, while reducingsocial and environmental impacts associated with conventional miningmethods. The second objective is the creation of a vision of a new miningecosystem, its function, parts, research roadmaps and visions for years 2030and 2050, including creation of novel ideas from other sectors, particularlyrobotics. The robotic ecosystem concept will be tested in representativesites across Europe with simulations, showcasing the different miningenvironments and conditions where it can be applied.