摘要:Reverse Osmosis has been successfully applied on a large scale throughout the world for the treatment of effluent and the polluted water. The Arab countries and some other affluent countries have the credit of successfully running such large scale plants without minding for the cost factor involved in such projects. Here the polluted effluent is treated using R.O technology in order to remove the pollutants. It is a pressure driven membrane desalination process. The process is also known as hyper filtration. It is heartening to note that this process has undergone the most rapid development of any desalination technique. The fluids of different concentrations in a tank are separated by a membrane; the dilute solution will flow through the membrane into the concentrated solution. It is called osmosis. To affect a reverse process of osmosis, a pressure is applied in excess of the osmotic pressure to the concentrated solution. Now the flow is reversed from the concentrated solution to the dilute solution. It is reverse osmosis. It is always remembered that, whether it is osmosis or reverse osmosis only the flow of water take place from one side to the other side. It is because the semi permeable membrane can allow only smaller molecules like that of water to pass through it. The basic types of membranes in use are. i. Cellulose acetate, ii. Polyamide, iii. Thin Film Composite Membranes. Reverse osmosis has been successfully applied on a large scale for the treatment of effluent and the polluted water. In the present study the dyeing effluent are treated using RO plant and treatment can be recommended to all dyeing. The same reverse osmosis method can also be applied to other industry effluent.