摘要:Using the Yebes 40m radio telescope, we report the detection of a series of seven lines harmonically related with a rotational constantB0= 1295.81581 ± 0.00026MHz and a distortion constantD0= 27.3 ± 0.5Hz towards the cold dense cloud TMC-1. Ab initio calculations indicate that the best possible candidates are the cations HC5NH+and NC4NH+. From a comparison between calculated and observed rotational constants and other arguments based on proton affinities and dipole moments, we conclude that the best candidate for a carrier of the observed lines is the protonated cyanodiacetylene cation, HC5NH+. The HC5N/HC5NH+ratio derived in TMC-1 is 240, which is very similar to the HC3N/HC3NH+ratio. Results are discussed in the framework of a chemical model for protonated molecules in cold dense clouds.
关键词:enastrochemistryISM: moleculesISM: individual objects: TMC-1line: identificationmolecular data