标题:Tools of Information and Communication Technologies in Ecological Marketing under Conditions of Sustainable Development in Industrial Regions (Through Examples of Poland and Ukraine)
摘要:This scientific work analyzes the current state and problems of implementing theconcept of sustainable development in industrial regions, in particular, in Poland and Ukraine.Emphasis is placed on slowing down the implementation of the main provisions of this doctrine,in particular, the violation of environmental requirements and non-compliance with ecologicalstandards by industrial enterprises. The aim of the article is to find effective innovative tools forintensifying the process of implementing the strategy of sustainable development in industrial regions.The paper uses theoretical methods—analysis and synthesis, formalization, hypothetical-deductivemodeling, mental modeling, systematization and generalization—as well as empirical: observation,description and comparison. The main result of the work is the substantiation of the scientific ideathat the implementation of a sustainable development strategy in industrial regions is possibleby intensifying the process of ecological marketing through the use of new information andcommunication technologies (ICT) and their innovative tools—methodologies, digital systems,the Internet, cloud technologies, and systems of product design, manufacture and sale—due toaccelerated communication links. The authors’ approach to the development of the mechanism ofcreation and functioning of the single information space (field) of the ecological marketing of theindustrial region is offered in this work, and also, the classification of modern ICT and their tools,which it is expedient to use in this mechanism, is carried out. Their purpose and the expected resultsfrom the introduction of ecological products for market research, the development of ecologicaltechnologies for the life cycles of ecological products and, thus, the impact on the acceleration ofsustainable development in industrial regions are determined.
关键词:sustainability; industrial region; ecological marketing; information and communication technology; risks of development; digitalization effectiveness; technology assessment