摘要:Slope failure, which causes destructive damage andfatalities, is extremely common in mountainous areas. Therefore, thestability and potential failure of slopes must be analysed accurately. Formost fractured rock slopes, the complexity and random distribution ofstructural fractures make the aforementioned analyses considerablychallenging for engineers and geologists worldwide. This study aims to solvethis problem by proposing a comprehensive approach that combines thediscrete fracture network (DFN) modelling technique, the synthetic rock mass(SRM) approach, and statistical analysis. Specifically, a real fracturedrock slope in Laohuding Quarry in Jixian County, China, is studied to show thiscomprehensive approach. DFN simulation is performed to generatenon-persistent fractures in the cross section of the slope. Subsequently, theSRM approach is applied to simulate the slope model using 2D particle flowcode software (PFC2D). A stability analysis is carried out based on theimproved gravity increase method, emphasizing the effect of stressconcentration throughout the formation of the critical slip surface. Thecollapse, rotation, and fragmentation of blocks and the accumulationdistances are evaluated in the potential failure process of the rock slope.A total of 100 slope models generated with different DFN models are used to repeat theaforementioned analyses as a result of a high degree of variability in DFNsimulation. The critical slip surface, factor of safety, and accumulationdistance are selected by statistical analysis for safety assurance in slopeanalysis and support.