标题:Trees and Crops Arrangement in the Agroforestry System Based on Slope Units to Control Landslide Reactivation on Volcanic Foot Slopes in Java, Indonesia
摘要:Agroforestry, as the dominant land use at the volcanic foot slope in Java Island, is prone to landslide due to a combination of rough relief and thick soil layer. However, evaluations of specific vegetation patterns against landslide reactivation due to soil erosion, which relays on the existing slope units and geomorphological processes, are still limited. The research data were collected through aerial photo interpretation by delineating morphological units of old landslides, slope units, and the existing land use. This was followed by field surveys for two consecutive purposes, i.e., (1) verification of aerial photo interpretation and (2) identification and intensity assessment of existing geomorphological processes. The data were tabulated according to slope units, as a basis for tree and crop arrangement in controlling erosion and landslide, by considering economic, social, and ecological functions. The agroforestry would control the landslides reactivation if the tree and crop arrangement was based on the morphological units formed by the previous landslide. The slope units are classified into residual zones at the highest elevations with flat slopes, erosion zones with the steepest slope, and sedimentation zones at the lowest elevations with gentle slopes. Trees and crops at those three units of the former landslide have different functions in controlling processes of rill erosion, gully erosion, and soil creep.