标题:Reply to comment by S.H. Büttner on “Evidence for Mesoproterozoic collision, deep burial and rapid exhumation of garbenschiefer in the Namaqua Front, South Africa ˮ
摘要:We thank Prof. Büttner for his comments on our paper (van Schijndel et al., 2020), which allow us to clarify our work and the tectonic model we proposed for the eastern margin of the Namaqua Sector of the Namaqua Natal Metamorphic Province. The Kaaien Terrane forms a tectonic transition between the Kaapvaal Craton, Rehoboth Province, Kheis belt and the Archeachap Terrane of the Namaqua Sector and forms part of a NW-vergentforeland thrust sequence in theNamaquaFront (e.g. Cornell et al., 2006). The exact tectonic extent of the Kaaien Terrane is still unclear and it has recently been proposed to be part of the newly defined Kheis Terrane (Van Niekerk and Beukes, 2019).