摘要:Heavy metal pollution o f soil not only causes great damage to the ecosystem, but also accumulates in the human body w ith the food chain, endangering human health. High-performance activated carbon has a strong adsorption capacity, and its special structural characteristics are o f great significance for the degradation o f heavy metals in soil. By introducing the structural characteristics o f high-performance activated carbon, this study points out that activated carbon has rich pore structure and is w idely used in soil remediation. This paper also introduces how to improve the adsorption capacity o f activated carbon for heavy metals o f soil from three aspects o f oxidation m odification, reduction m odification and metal loading m odification, so as to improve the efficiency o f controlling heavy metal pollution o f soil. Response surface model was used to analyze the activated carbon preparation temperature, activation time and soil pH. The results showed that the response surface model had significant difference, and each index had a significant influence on the adsorption efficiency o f activated carbon for heavy metals o f soil. The quadratic m ultiple regression equation was R-81.08+0.7875A-0.125B+4.39C+0.425AB+ 0.7AC+0.325BC-3.74A2-2.22B2-3.14C2.
关键词:High-performance activated carbon;adsorption process;heavy metal pollution of soil;application research