摘要:a-Amylase is an enzyme, which hydrolyses starch into glucose. After consuming starch rich foods, as a result of the a-amylase activity, the glucose concentration in the blood increases drastically and cause hyperglycaemia. Thus, a-amylase inhibitors take account to decrease the a-amylase activity, which is important especially in diabetic patients to control the glucose concentration in the blood. Several compounds have been isolated and defined in microorganisms, plants, and animals, which can be used as a-amylase inhibitors.The aim of this study was to determine the a- amylase inhibitory activity of some plant derived secondary metabolites, namely phloridzin,naringenin, quercetin, umbelliferone, and cinnamic acid, and the results were compared against a positive control, acarbose. As a result, it was observed that quercetin and umbelliferone were effective a- amylase inhibitors, which present similar activity as acarbose. This result is extremely important for proposing some compounds, which could have a potential in diabetes management. On the other hand, phloridzin and cinnamic acid seem to act as good activators for a-amylase. Naringenin was also observed to act as an activator for a-amylase, but it is not as good as phloridzin and cinnamic acid. Further study should be conducted to determine the mechanism of inhibition and activation.
关键词:P h lorid zin;naringenin;qu ercetin;u m b elliferon e;cin n am icacid;a -a m y la se inh ib ition