摘要:The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dimethylamine (D M A) on the formation and degradation of dichloronitromethane (DCNM) under UV/chlorine. The impact factors were selected as D M A in itia l concentration, in itia l free chlorine concentration, U V intensity, pH and tert butyl alcohol (TBA) to study the formation of DCNM. Under the same external conditions, the degradation of DCNM was investigated by using DCNM standard solution. The results showed that the degradation rate of DCNM increased w ith the increase of pH, U V intensity and free chlorine concentration. The degradation reaction of DCNM fitted the first-order kinetics. From the formation experiments of DCNM from DM A, the formation concentration of DCNM increased first and then decreased under UV/chlorine. the peak value of DCNM concentration at the sixth min increased w ith the increase of free chlorine and D M A and decreased w ith the increase of pH. The formation and degradation rate of DCNM decreased w ith the increase of TBA. Finally, the formation and degradation pathways of DCNM from D M A had been inferred under UV/chlorine. This study can provide theoretical basis and technical support for the disinfection process of drinking water and sewage treatment.
关键词:Dichloronitromethane;Formation and degradation;Dimethylamine;UV/chlorine