摘要:In this study, the total antioxidant and total oxidant status of S t e r c u m ostrea (Blume & T. Nees) Fr. were determined. Besides, phenolic contents and element levels were determined. In this context, antioxidant (TAS) and oxidant status (TOS) were determined using Rel Assay kits. Phenolic contents were scanned using the HPLC device. Element levels were measured using atomic absorption spectrometry (Agilent 240FS AA). As a result of the studies, TAS value of S. ostrea was determined as 4.464士0.076, TOS value as 7.648士0.218 and OSI value as 0.171 士0.003. As a result of the HPLC scans, Gallic acid, Benzoic acid, Sringic acid, Chlorogenic acid, and Catechin were determined in S. ostrea. As a result of the element measurements, it was determined that Cr content is higher than the literature values and thus S. ostrea can be used as an indicator for Cr element. Conclusively, it is thought that S. ostrea may be a natural agent that can be used in pharmacological drug design.