期刊名称:Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
出版社:Sciencedomain International
摘要:Advanced change location procedures by utilizing multi-temporal satellite symbolism helps in understanding landscape dynamics. The present examination shows the spatio- temporal elements of land use of Rahuri Taluka, Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra, India. Sentinel 2A satellite imageries of four different months of Rabi season (2019-2020) were acquired by United States Geological Survey (USGS) earth explorer site and quantify the changes in the Rahuri Taluka from October 2019 to January 2020 over a period of 3 months.This study applied supervised classification-maximum likelihood algorithm by using Arc GIS 10.1 Map envision to distinguish land use changes of Rahuri. Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) in the Rahuri has experienced a progression of changes in the course of the last three months. Four significant LULC classes viz; Water body, Built-up Land, Waste/Fallow land, Agriculture land have been distinguished and demonstrate that significant land use in the Rahuri Taluka. Results appears, water bodies was highest in month of October 15.68% (166.48 km2), Agriculture land was highest in month of November 59.77% (634.56 km2) and Waste/Fallow land was significantly higher in month of October 41.1% (437.47 km2) and December 41.7% (442.77 km2) than November 30.54% (324.28 km2). The examination and discoveries of the investigation features significant approach suggestions for the maintainable Land Use/Land Cover the board in the Rahuri.