期刊名称:Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
出版社:Sciencedomain International
摘要:The present study was conducted in research plots of Central Horticultural Research station (CHES) during Rabi season 2018-2019 on integrated nitrogen management in chilli under red lateritic soils of Odisha to study the effect of different combination of nitrogen sources on yield, uptake, quality parameters and economics on chilli crop. The field experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design comprising of eight treatments replicated thrice. It was observed that the substitution of N through vermicompost to the extent of 50% and remaining 50% as urea proved to be considered as the best treatment amongst different combinations of organic sources with urea (RDF). The highest yield of chilli i.e. both pod yield (14511.4 kg ha-1) and stover yield (901.05 kg ha-1) and uptake of nitrogen by pod (122.31 kg ha-1) and stover (8.72 kg ha-1) were observed in T5 due to combination of 50% of N as urea and 50% of N as VC. The highest B: C ratio was found to be highest in T2 (100% of N through RDF). Regarding the quality parameters of chilli like oleoresin, capsaicin, ascorbic acid and protein content were also found highest in T5. Integrated use of organic manures along with chemical fertilizers not only produced highest and sustainable crop yields but also enhanced the efficiency of added fertilizers.