摘要:Due to the severe climate, residents of winter cities tend not to utilize public open spaces inbr /winter. Temporary design interventions such as emblematic events are always proposed in winterbr /cities to enhance pedestrian activity by celebrating the season and improving the perception ofbr /winter. In this study, we clarify the impact of the event on pedestrians’ perception to determinebr /the role of temporary design in improving the perception of public open spaces in winter cities.br /Using the example of event known as “Ice Town” on the Lenin Square in Khabarovsk, the contentbr /of the Instagram images was analyzed to determine their perception during and after the event.br /The analysis includes classification of the images into clusters related to dierent urban elementsbr /using transfer learning with CNN (convolutional neural network). A total of 10,200 generated imagesbr /on the Lenin Square were considered, with 1700 images which relate the event itself. This accountsbr /for approximately 20% of all data, while those which related to the during the permanent use of Leninbr /Square accounted for just 6%. Temporary design of public open spaces has great potential to involvebr edestrians in interacting with urban and natural environments in winter cities, even in severe coldbr /climate, by improving an impression of a place.