摘要:The East African Rarities Committee assesses records of new and very rare birds oc- curring in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi. This includes up to the fifth record of any species from each of the five countries. Sightings of species for which there are fewer than five records for a country should be submitted to the EARC Secretary, Nigel Hunter, P.O. Box 24803, Karen 00502, Nairobi, Kenya; Email:ni- [email protected]. Please contact the Secretary to obtain clarification of whether a record requires a submission and for guidance on what details to include in the submission. Past records of rare species are also sought in order to bring the EARC database up to date. Nomenclature follows the forthcoming Checklist of the Birds of Kenya 5th edition (Bird Committee EANHS, in prep.) unless stated otherwise.