摘要:Food waste is a stream with multiple social, economic, and environmental implications, generated throughout all the life cycle stages of food. Among these stages, in developed and top touristic destination countries such as Greece, the role of the hospitality sector (i.e., restaurants, hotels, catering, etc.) in food waste generation is particularly significant. Against this background, the A2UFood project introduces a holistic management scheme in the municipality of Heraklion (Crete, Greece), in which all aspects of reduction, reuse, and recycling of food waste are included. The project seeks to implement the circular economy concept into daily practice, through a series of actions which preserve natural resources, support local communities, and create new value chains. More specifically, the holistic management scheme of the A2UFood project progresses towards three innovative directions: (i) Surplus food of high quality, from hotels and restaurants, will be redirected to people in need, through the establishment and operation of the “2nd opportunity” restaurant; (ii) Food waste from the hospitality sector will be directed to bioplastic production units; and iii. Home and community composting will be promoted and supported, as an option for the management of household food waste. To achieve the goals of the A2UFood project, an Information Campaign (“Food Save Share”), training workshops-seminars, and two smart tools (i.e., the Digital Food Waste Prevention Tool and the Resource Management Food Tool, for households and kitchen managers, respectively) have been developed.