摘要:The present study deals w ith the im pact of fire w ork activities on the variation of carbonaceous aerosols in Foggy days during in and around D iw ali period vs. background period at three different sites, segregated on the basis of land-use pattern viz. JNU (dense vegetative), V N (residential) and A N (industria l) in Delhi, India. The average Organic Carbon, OC (99.24 g/m 3) and Elemental Carbon, EC (24.31 g/m 3) concentrations were found to be highest at VN , depicts the high influence of firew ork activities during D iw ali and other significant sources like vehicular and commercial activities. OC/EC values generally fa ll in the range of 3.27 - 3.67 at all the sites during D iw ali and Post D iw ali, which indicates the form ation of SOA. D uring Post D iw ali, OC and EC concentrations showed a drastic decline at the day as compared to night, may be due to scavenging by the fog of carbonaceous aerosol particles resided after emission from firew orks only in m orning hours. POC, Char and Soot percentage found to be high at JNU. This study is first of its kind to identify the nature of carbonaceous aerosols during foggy days that studied w ith respect to in and around firew ork activity.
关键词:OC- EC Characterisation;Fireworks;Foggy days;Air Masses Movement