摘要:This study focused on the effect of different pH, temperature, light, sources of nitrogen and carbon, concentration of nitrogen and phosphate on cell growth rate. A dditionally, observed the contents of cell w all fraction and soluble fraction of polysaccharides in different concentration of KNO 3 and K H 2PO4. The maximum cell growth was observed at pH 7.5. The blue light produced the highest biomass. The cell growth was significant under the temperature of 25oC. The maximum cell growth was observed under the source of KNO 3 and NaHCo3. It was observed that the 1.2 g/L of KNO 3 promote and significantly effect on cell growth. K H 2PO4 at concentration of 1 g/L produced maximum cell growth. Furthermore, 0.8 g/L of KNO 3 and K H 2PO4 were favorable for cellular cell w all polysaccharides and soluble exo-polysaccharides. These results revealed that the optim ization of environmental conditions promote cell growth P. cr-uentum. Further concluded that KNO 3 and K H 2PO4 lim itation increase cell growth and encouraged cell w all fraction and soluble fraction of polysaccharides.