摘要:Translocation of PVYNP (pepper isolate or nonpotato isolate) from potato {Solanum tuberosum L.) into Cuscuta (dodders) requires the availability of plant metabolites w ith sufficient plant virus concentration. Thus, the parasitic dodder interaction through the PVY-Potato induced specific bioactive molecules. We established plants w ith PVY infection via mechanical inoculation (PVY NP-Potato) and natural infection via dodder (PVYNP-Cuscutaj, thereby promoting beneficial plant-microbe interactions in an infection court. Two different distinct profiles of a-esterase (EST) isozymes were observed; EST-4 was produced in only PVY NP-Potato infected leaves via dodder (PVYNP-Cuscutaj, while EST-3 was produced in mechanically infected potato. Three polar amino acids in PVY-Cuscuta (glutamine, serine, and lysine) were significantly changed, while only methionine showed a high output of 0.738 mmol.kg-1 in only PVYNP- Potato. Tail length of nucleic acid in the comet assay was detected. Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Analysis (ROC) was used to determine precise dichotomous outcomes (cut-off values) for ELISA in both disease and healthy plants w ith 100% sensitivity and specificity.
关键词:Bioactive Molecules;potato virus Y and X;hydrogen peroxidase;polar amino acids;antioxidant enzymes