摘要:Graphene-Like Graphite (GLG) samples wereprepared using sand and sugar composite as a precursor.GLG was synthesized using solution chemical technique.The produced composite materials dried at a temperatureof 120°C in an oven to form a black powder compositematerial. The structure of the composite was revealed byXRD with narrow diffraction peaks (002) (010) and (004)at 2 = 26.603°, 42.466° and 54.794° with d-spacing of3.34800 Å, 2.12696 Å and 1.67400 Å, respectively. Theaverage grain size of the material is 599.54Å. Preferentialcrystal orientations obtained from texture coefficient ofthe peaks are 2.614, 10.18 and 5.029, respectively. Thematerial shows hexagonal crystal structure with latticeparameters of a = b = 2.4560 and c = 6.6960. SEM withEDX also revealed the morphological and elementalcomposition of the samples. The SEM images showflake-type GLG and EDX analysis shows the presence ofcarbon, oxygen, silicon and sulphur at 34.02% at 45.36%at 18.86% at and 1.75% at respectively. The materialobtained is potential for solid-state batteries due toflake-type structure that enhance large surface areacreation for chemical interaction. This technique mayprovide economical and environmentally friendlyapproaches for graphene-like graphite in large scale.