摘要:The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), is animportant pathogen that infects an estimated64 million people and causes ~200,000deaths globally every year. Despite progressin the biology of RSV, there is no effectivetreatment or vaccine against RSV infection.Currently, only high-risk infants receiveantibody-based prophylaxis, which isexpensive and moderately effective inreducing hospitalization. Therefore, abroadly applicable, effective andinexpensive approach to prevent or treatRSV-bronchiolitis or pneumonia remains anurgent unmet need. We have beeninvestigating nanomedical approachesagainst RSV infection and have reported ona variety of different strategies includinggenome vaccine, and siRNA-basednanoparticles. More recently, we havedeveloped a novel prophylaxis and/ortherapy against RSV infection was inspiredby the following discoveries: A platform ofphospholipid micellar nanoparticles (PMN)was developed, which when givenintranasally delivers payload predominantlyto the lung, A decoy short heptad repeat(HR)2 peptide was identified, whicheffectively inhibits the RSV-cell fusion. iii)Human mesenchymal cells were found to behighly susceptible to RSV.