摘要:Low energy light has been continuously gaining importance in medical practice. Its pain-relieving as well as regenerating and microcirculation enhancing activity are well recognized. Ithas also been shown that polarized light exhibits bio-stimulating properties. Light utilizingtechniques require optical filters with their aim being a removal of unwanted wavelengths fromthe spectrum emitted by the source. Interference filters are constructed as stack multilayersystems composed of alternated films of high and low refractive index materials. Frequently, lowadhesion between these materials causes destruction of the filters and physical effects oninterphase boundaries makes them difficult to manufacture. This work introduces a novel attitudetowards optical filters. A manufacture of filters with a gradient change of refractive index ispresented. This gradient results from periodic change of the coating composition, predeterminedin the phase of filter design. In the filter realization phase, two materials are deposited. One issilicon dioxide with refractive index of 1.45, while the other comprises silicon nitride withrefractive index equal 2.20, changing their proportions in a continuous and periodic mannerresults in a gradient periodic change of material refractive index. The technology comprises radiofrequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition with a use of tetramethyldisilazane asprecursor. A use of nitrogen as a reaction medium leads to silicon nitride coatings, while anapplication of oxygen results in silicon dioxide films. When the process is carried out in amixture of nitrogen and oxygen, a material with predetermined value of its index of refraction isdeposited.