摘要:This research focused on automatic textsummarization for web content (single-document). The methodis by using the graph-based summarization method andimproving it with unique features that only possessed by dataobject from webpages: HTML tag and metadata. Differencesof given style into text, such as the using bold, underline, oritalic style in typography will add some emphasizes to thatportion of the document. This writing-emphasize indicatesimportance to the text. Additionally, metadata is “data aboutdata”. Metadata is usually made directly by a human to helpindexing process by engines. Therefore, using metadata as akeyword to support this research was quite suitable because ofthat reason. The experimental studies have shown that theproposed method is quite promising. The scores in precision,recall and f-measure scores compared to the other techniquesused by other state-of-the-art summarization systems in severalkinds of data and testing.