摘要:During the process of decision making with in-tuitionistic fuzzy preference relation (IFPR), the underlyingnormalized intuitionistic fuzzy priority weight vector can beobtained by a mathematical programming model. In the multi-criteria group decision making (GDM) problem, it is reasonableto assume that different decision makers have different criteriaweights, this is because that each decision maker has his/herown opinions and preferences, and the importance of criteriashould not be the same for different decision makers. The aimof this paper is to develop two techniques for multi-criteriaGDM with IFPRs based on the multiplicative consistency.In the first case where the decision maker acts as separateindividual, the individual priority weight vector can be derivedfrom the IFPR established by each decision maker with respectto each criterion, after that an overall priority weight vectorcan be obtained by synthesizing these priority weight vectorstogether. When the decision makers are taken as a group, thenormalized overall intuitionistic fuzzy priority weight vectorcan be generated directly by building a fractional programmingmodel without using the aggregation operator. An example isgiven to illustrate the validity and applicability of the proposedmethods.