期刊名称:Journal of FisheriesSciences.com / Su ÜrünleriBilimeri.com
出版社:Istanbul University
摘要:IntroductionThe marine fisheries stocks have turn down worldwide andprovided an impulsion for fast development in aquaculture. Asa result between 1987 and 1997, global production of farm asfishes and shellfishes was just two fold only. Currently, seafoodproduction is undergoing a dramatic transition with introductionof more cultivable species and new farming techniques.Aquaculture production accounts for over one quarter of all fishconsumed by humans. In the history of man, fish and shellfishhave contributed prominently as protienaceous food source. A partof human population obtains certain amino acids from the fleshof domesticated animals and also from fish. On an overall globalscale, fish and fishery products make up about 16% of animalprotein intake. The incidence mentioned in the Bible, revealthat the ancient sculptures of Egypt exhibit the art of fish cultureand fish trade. Such an age old practice of this production hasgained its momentum in India only very recently. Because of theurgent need for sea food for consumption and export, especiallythe species of shrimps have been cultured under various farmingsystems (Karthik et al., 2016 aandb).