摘要:Öz The study focused ondetermination of thermal behavior of waste-derived fuel under air and air-freeconditions. Thermochemical processes are commonly used as waste managementoptions in order to produce energy and minimize the amount of solid wastes. Sincethe population all over the world is rising, the general concern becomes tofind alternative ways to manage all types of waste in an economic manner asincreasing the process efficiencies. Treatment sludge, with its complex matrix,needs special attention to prevent environment from its adverse effects in caseany contamination. The main idea in this paper is to increase energy content ofwaste-derived fuel by mixing solid and liquid wastes. As a solid waste,treatment sludge (raw sludge) from a domestic wastewater treatment facility wasselected. Waste cooking oil (used oil) was used as liquid form to increasecalorific value of waste mixture before gasification experiments. Elementalcarbon content of raw sludge increased from 27% (mass) to 32% and 37% afterpreparing a proportion of 1/5 oil/sludge and 2/5 oil/sludge, respectively.Thermochemical behavior of those mixtures were analyzed by Thermal GravimetricAnalysis (TGA) technique. Optimum proportion for gasification of waste-derivedfuel was determined as 40%, which also prevents the mixture to behave like aliquid due to viscosity. Syngas had a calorific value of approximately 2700 kcal/m3.