摘要:Four sludge-ash mixtures were prepared using various brown coal ash, industrial sewage sludge, sawdust and mineral fertilizers contents. After all components of the mixture had reacted, they were dried at 90 °C and granulated. Obtained sludge-ash granulates, were subjected to chemical tests. The granules contained significant content of calcium and organic carbon, whiles lightly less sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. Concentration of heavy metals did not exceed the applicable standards. Then, the vegetation experiment was carried out by testing 3 doses of four produced granules (A, B, C, D) on two crop plants. After the harvest of plants, the size of the crop and the content of macronutrients were determined.
关键词:Brown coal ash;industrial sewage sludge;sawdust;fertilizers granules;yield of plants;macronutrients