摘要:In this study, gradual demand for curved,stiffened panels composite emerged from Carbon FiberReinforced Plastics (CFRP) these are structures that arefrequently used in aerospace engineering. Up to 50% ofthe primary structure of the Boeing 787 is made up ofwoven graphite-epoxy. This research emphasizes thebuckling analysis of stiffened composite panels using thenonlinear, finite element modeling. The stiffened panel isassumed to be subjected to a uniform axial compressionload of 10 kN. For the nonlinear buckling analysis, astiffened composite panel is made of Carbon FibreComposite (CFC) in epoxy, Kevlar in epoxy and E-Glass(EG) in epoxy. Due to the fact that there are numerousstiffened composite panels materials this study, thereforeuses a numerical approach to present the study and resultsof the nonlinear static buckling analysis of i-stiffened ondifferent composite panels. This research also presentedthe effect of the different ply orientations using AbaqusFinite Element Analysis (FEA).