摘要:Architectural construction has expanded continuously in recent years as a response to China’s accelerating urbanization, thus further leading to the dramatic increase of concrete usage. This expansion may cause serious threats to the ecological environment because the production and construction of traditional concrete materials may consume abundant resources, such as coals and limestone, and thus emit air pollutants. Prefabricated concrete building can significantly reduce the use of water, timber, thermal insulation materials, and cement mortar, thereby decreasing construction waste and carbon emissions greatly. Based on the review of the measures for concrete construction waste recycling in developed countries, this study summarized the types of hazards of concrete construction waste pollution, analysed the advantages of prefabricated concrete constructions, and proposed prefabricated recycling measures of concrete construction wastes. Results demonstrate that developed countries have relatively perfect concrete construction waste recycling systems. The hazards of concrete construction wastes are mainly manifested by the embezzlement of lands, water pollution, atmosphere pollution, soil pollution, and damage to physical health. The advantages of prefabricated concrete construction are manifested by high production efficiency, energy conservation, environmental protection, and overall high quality. Finally, several recycling measures were proposed, including strengthened policy support to prefabricated concrete construction; appropriate relevant laws, regulations, and standard systems; improved prefabricated construction enterprises; and enhanced environmental protection in prefabricated construction sites. Research conclusions can serve as reference for understanding the hazards of concrete construction-induced environmental pollution, recognizing the advantages of prefabricated concrete construction mode, increasing prefabricated concrete market shares comprehensively, and alleviating environmental pollutions.