摘要:Leakage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Liquified Natural Gas(LPG/LNG) produces hazardous and toxic impact on humans and other livingcreatures. The authors developed a system to monitor and control the gas leakageconcentration. MQ-6 gas sensor is used for sensing the level of gas concentration ina closed volume. To monitor the consequences of environmental changes an IoTplatform hosted by “Thingspeak” platform has been introduced. Both robust andcloud-forwarded controls have been applied to prevent uncontrolled leakage of thosegases and auto-ignition. This type of system can be directly applied to the enginechamber/ fuel chamber of the modern marine vessels using dual fuel power cycle withLPG/LNG as secondary fuel-flamer. The results from the experiments clearlyindicate satisfactory actuation speed and accuracy. The trials performed by theauthors showed about 99% efficiency of signal transmission and actuation.
关键词:Internet of Things; Smart System; Gas Leakage Control; Embedded System