首页    期刊浏览 2025年03月02日 星期日


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  • 作者:Authors:Marta Bon ; Tanja Kajtna ; Anja Šešum
  • 期刊名称:Kinesiologia Slovenica
  • 印刷版ISSN:1318-2269
  • 电子版ISSN:2232-4062
  • 出版年度:2020
  • 卷号:26
  • 期号:1
  • 页码:5-15
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:University of Ljubljana
  • 摘要:Personality characteristics, problem-solving, movement speed, explosive leg power and correlations between them are essential topics in elite handball, although studies in these fields are relatively rare. The correlations between psychological characteristics, problem-solving abilities, and some motor abilities in two different age categories were researched. The sample included 41 female handball players, 24 of which were members of the senior national team, with an average age of 24.79 years (SD = 4.84 years), and 17 girls from the Slovenian youth national team, whose average age was 16.35 (SD = 0.70 years). The differences in age between groups were statistically significant (t = 8.42, p (t) = 0.00). Players\' psychological characteristics were examined with the Wartegg test, while the Runs Test (different sprints and vertical jumps) was used to assess players’ motor abilities. Identity has a significant negative (-0.61) correlation to CMJ - youth players with a lower identity score jumped higher. Furthermore, rational-emotional integrity is also negatively correlated to CMJ (0.58). Results do not conclusively describe the correlation between problem-solving and movement speed among female handball players. No any statistically significant differences between youth and senior players were discovered. The test results are an essential contribution to a better understanding of the correlation between specific psychological characteristics and problem-solving in relation to movement speed and explosive leg power of youth and senior female elite handball players despite the fact that the correlations were not statistically significant. However, this was the first use of the Wartegg test in female handball.
  • 其他摘要:Osebne značilnosti, reševanje problemov, hitrost gibanja, eksplozivna moč nog, in povezave med temi dejavniki so ključna področja v vrhunskem ženskem rokometu. Čeprav pa so študije relativno redke. Povezave med psihološkimi dejavniki, reševanjem problemov in z nekaterimi motoričnimi sposobnostmi so bile raziskovane. Vzorec obsega 41 vrhunskih rokometašic, 24 članic članske reprezentance, v starosti 24.79 let v povprečju (SD = 4.84 let), in 17 igralk kadetske reprezentance Slovenije, s povprečno starostjo 16.35 let (SD = 0.70 let). Razlike v letih so statistično značilno pomembne (t = 8.42, p (t) = 0.00). Psihološke značilnosti igralk so bile merjene s Warteg testom in testom nizov: Motorične sposobnosti (različni sprinti in skoki) so bile izmerjene preko standardnih testov za oceno motoričnih sposobnosti. Ugotovljena je bila statistično značilna negativna korelacija (-0.61) s CMJ – kadetinje z nižjo vrednostjo v testu identitete so imele boljše rezultate v skokih. Nadalje, rezultat v testu racionalno-čustveno integritete je tudi negativno povezan s rezultati v CMJ (0.58). Rezultati ne opisujejo korelacijo med reševanjem problemov in hitrostjo gibanja igralk. Poleg tega ni bila ugotovljena nobena statistično pomembna korelacija med rezultati kadetinj in članic. Izsledki študije so pomemben prispevek k boljšemu razumevanju povezav med rezultati nekaterih specifičnih psiholoških karakteristik, sposobnostjo reševanja problemov in povezave s motoričnimi testi (moč nog, hitrost) pri članskih in kadetskih reprezentantkah, glede na to, da korelacije niso statistično značilne. Poleg tega je prvič uporabljen Warteg test v ženskem rokometu.
  • 关键词:female handball; Wartegg test; motor abilities