摘要:The article is devoted to the study of information and communication environment tools for constructing a vision of the future. The research methodology is determined by the information paradigm providing a general theoretical basis for rational explanation of orienting interactions in socio-technical environment / system. The information model of interactions management in a social environment is noted to be of code nature, which is typical of an indirect influence on contemporaries' consciousness. The infosphere tools for the future modeling are presented by their structural, functional and motivational aspects. In the context of social and educational environment modeling, one should point out the material needs driven by the market code and background knowledge transmitting the stereotypes of thinking and behavior. Further, the authors specify the role of the worldview and educational paradigm in the future modeling. The results of mass expectations monitoring are presented, such as dynamic analysis of social sentiment indicators in Russia, youth assessment of the university’s image and prospects for online learning. The study materials include data of sociological surveys among Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University students. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the need for mental protection of a person in the digital hyper-net, which transforms the infosphere of communication thus creating potential threat of community and mental structures disorganization.