摘要:The formation and development of human capital as to thecurrent and future needs of production is a serious challenge for moden enterprises. Human capital, which is based on knowledge and skills, is themost important factor of production that determines the competitiveness and efficiency of the enterprise. One of the ways to solve this problem is the formation of the enterprise vocational education ecosystem, by combining with various educational organizations. The authors formulate the concept of a professional and educational ecosystem as a type of socio-economic ecosystem. The importance of interaction between ecosystem subjects as the basis for the emergence of synergistic effects is emphasized.The theoretical conclusions are supported by empirical material on the example of the professional and educational ecosystem of a large helicopter enterprise. The characteristic of the enterprise’s professional and educational ecosystem is given. Emphasis is placed on the structural and specific description of the professional and educational ecosystem. The reasons for the formation of the professional and educational ecosystem of the enterprise and the way of its development are analyzed. The analysis of the effectiveness of the professional and educational ecosystem can be based on the stakeholder theory, based on the assessment of the results of the ecosystem by its main participants. In order to analyze the effectiveness of the professional and educational ecosystem of the enterprise, a survey of its participants was conducted on the importance of knowledge and skills acquired as a result of training, and satisfaction with them. On the basis of the poll results, a perceptual map was built by the analysis of Needs&Gaps. She demonstrated the most important attributes, describing the results of the professional and educational ecosystem from the perceptual of importance and satisfaction of participants in this ecosystem. The construction of the perceptual map made it possible to draw a conclusion about the high assessment of the participants of the ecosystem of practical skills acquired in the learning process. The results of the analysis of the professional and educational ecosystem of the enterprise confirm its effectiveness in solving the problem of human capital formation.
关键词:Keywords:enhuman capitalenterpriseprofessional and educational ecosystemproduction systemproductionengineering educationcollaboration