摘要:It has been brought to our attention that an error was made
in the measurement of the continuum flux density (Sect. 3.1.
and Fig. 1 in the original paper). The total continuum flux
density within the 3σ contour was erroneously calculated as
1.33 Jy (being the total sum of the pixel intensities within this
region), while in fact it is only 1.86 mJy. This implies that
the deduction of the total dust mass that resides within this
region (∼5 × 10−6 M ) was false. However, we cannot correct
this estimate by performing the same analysis to the updated
flux measurement because our estimate of the stellar continuum
flux contribution of 2:27 × 10−2 Jy exceeds the updated value.
Hence, we hereby retract all statements regarding the nature of
the dust within the 3σ contour made in the second paragrap of Sect. 3.1. in the original manuscript. With the current values,
we can at this point only state that either the stellar brightness
and temperature (Winters et al. 2007) need to be better measured, or that the dust near the star is optically thick and prevents
part of the stellar flux to penetrate all the way through to the
关键词:Key wordsenradiative transferstars: AGB and post-AGBcircumstellar mattersubmillimeter: starsmolecular dataerrata, addenda