摘要:In this study on common vetch growing in Bingol, Turkey, based on the results of correlation analysis obtained: plant length (0.585) dry herbage yield (0.895), number of seeds per plant (0.100), seed weight (0.120). cut weight (0.212) and the weight of 1000 seeds (0.408) arc affected green herbage yield positively, while the harvest index (-0.047) is affected negatively. Similarly, plan! length (0.541), green herbage yield (0.895). number of seeds per plant (0.029), seed weight (0.027), cut weight (0.124) and weight of 1000 seeds (0.394) are affected dry herbage yield posirively. while tlic harvest index (-0.169) is affected negatively. According to path analysis results; yield elements that affected respectively, green herbage yield at the highest rate, posirively and directly, plant length (0.569).1000 seeds weight (0.396) and number of seeds per plant (0.316). While green herbage yield (0.895) is affected dry lKrbagc yield positively. For this reason, growing studies to increase the green herbage yield efficiency of common vetch; come to a conclusion that the plant height, the weight of 1000 seeds and the number of seeds in the plant could be used as important criteria.
关键词:Vetch;path;Direct and Indirect Effects;Yield Components