摘要:Phytorcmcdiation is an innovative and economical alternative to eliminate toxic heavy metals (Pb. Cd, Cu. Zn. etc.) and organic pollutants. Plan! tissue culture is among the most reliable techniques used in basic researches where the metabolic abilities of plants arc determined due to the fact that it is carried out under controlled conditions. For this study, the Zinc(II) and Cd(II) accumulation capaci* ty of Pn//»W/ tissue culture conditions. Primarily, the shoot tip cxplants to be used in the experiments for this study were obtained from seeds genninated in in vitro conditions and on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. For the phytorcmcdiation studies, shoot tips isolated from sterile plants were applied to plants being grown in MS medium including 3 mg L'1 BAP (bcnzylaminopurinc) and I mg L'1 IBA (in-dolebutyric acid) with 10 different concentrations: (100. 250. 500. 750,1000 mg L1)of Zinc (II) and (5, 20,50,100, 150 ing L"1) of Cd (II). The amounts of Zn (II) and Cd (II) accumulated in by P. vulgaris plant under in vitro conditions were defined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer in accordance with the standard reinforcement method. Morphological responses and biomass changes observed according to tl»c concentration applied were determined by camod-out measurements.