摘要:It is important to inhibit Algal blooms by efficacy methods, which is caused water stench and threaten human health seriously. The strain of white- rot fungus may be one of the bio-treatment ways to do this, in particular, the Phanerochaete chryso- sporim. Its algicidal ability on algae was studied by three main influence factors: white rot fungus dosage, pH value and DO. The results showed that the chlorophyll-a content of eutrophication water decreased 92.24% within 24 h under the optimum conditions that 250 mg/L at pH 7.0 for 7.0 mg/L. Pretreated eutrophication water was investigated by algal cells dehydrogenase activity, soluble protein content and malondialdehyde. It was seen that decrease in algal cells dehydrogenase activity and soluble protein content and an increase in MDA content, which were associated with the decrease in chlorophyll-a content. These results indicated that the fungus could destroy the algal cell and inhibit the algae blooms.