摘要:The aim of this study is to specify the members of Protosteliomycetes which develop on primer isolation plates formed by the materials collected from the Uludag University Gorukle campus forest and wildlife protection area in the Bursa province. In this area, which shows transitional climatic characteristics of Mediterranean climate, 13 protostelid species have been identified. Taxon detected from the study area are Clastostelium recurvatum L.S. Olive & C. Stoianovitch 1964, Echinosteliopsis oligospora Reinhardt & L.S. Olive 1967, Cavoste- lium/Echinostelium bisporum (L.S. Olive & C. Stoianovitch) K.D. Whitney & Olive 1982, Endos- telium zonatum (L.S. Olive & Stoian.) W.E. Benn. & L.S. Olive, in Olive, Bennett et Deasey, 1984, Planoprotostelium aurantium L.S. Olive & C. Stoianovitch, J. Elisha Mitchell 1971, Protosporangium articulatum L.S. Olive & C. Stoianovitch, 1972, Protosteliopsis fimicola (L.S. Olive) Olive & C. Stoianovitch 1966, Protostelium mycophagum L.S. Olive & C. Stoianovitch 1960, Protostelium pyri- fiorme L.S. Olive & Stoian 1969, Schizoplasmodi- opsis amoeboidea L.S. Olive & K.D. Whitney 1982, Schizoplasmodiopsis pseudoendospora L.S. Olive, M. Martin & C. Stoianovitch 1967, Schizoplasmodiopsis vulgaris L.S. Olive & C. Stoianovitch 1976, Solifiormovum expulsum (L.S. Olive & C. Stoianovitch) Spiegel, in Spiegel, Gecks & Feldman 1994. Clastostelium recurvatum, Endostelium zonatum, Planoprotostelium aurantium, Protosporangium articulatum, Protosteliopsis fiimicola, Protostelium pyriforme and Solifiormovum expulsum are the new records for Turkey.