摘要:The effect of substitution of submontane beech forest (Helleboro odori - Fagetum moesiacae Soo&Borhidi I960.) by Lawson’s cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A. Murr.) Parl.) on the soil properties affecting the erodibility factor was researched on one sample plot on the mountain Veliki Jastrebac in south-eastern Serbia. The research was performed in the Lawson’s cypress artificially established stand aged 40 years and in the natural beech forests on dystric cambisol. Under the effect of Lawson’s cypress and its dead organic residues, the content of total organic matter in the topsoil decreased by '0 cm compared to that in the natural beech forest. This resulted in the decrease in stability of the soil micro-structural aggregates and the increase in the soil erodibility factors.
关键词:Artificially established stand;beech forest;Lawson's cypress;soil erodibility