标题:Response to "Development and implementation of interventions managing work-related musculoskeletal disorders: Inadequacy of prevalent research framework and future opportunities"
期刊名称:Scandinavian journal of Work, Environment and Health
出版社:National Board of Occupational Safety and Health
摘要:In their recent letter to the Editor of the ScandinavianJournal of Work, Environment & Health, Winkel &Westgaard reflected on our earlier paper (2), where wedescribed a research framework for the development andimplementation of interventions preventing work-relatedmusculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Winkel & Westgaardargue that interventions described in our paper, such asmanual handling advise, ergonomic workplace design, orjob rotation, “… are unlikely to have much impact” sincerationalization of production systems has a larger poten-tial in the causal pathway to health effects. Furthermore,they stress that ergonomic interventions realized as spin-off from the ‘all-embracing process’ of rationalization ofproduction systems should be evaluated by using eitherobservational or quasi-experimental research designsrather than randomized controlled trials (RCT).
关键词:ergonomic intervention; ergonomics; evidence; intervention; musculoskeletal disorder; research framework