摘要:The purpose of this study was to describe anthropometric characteristics and body composition of junior soccer and handball players from the Serbian National League and to make a comparison between them. Seventy-two male athletes engaged in this study were divided into three groups: twenty-five soccer players, fifteen handball players and thirty-two healthy sedentary subjects. All subjects were assessed for anthropometric measures required for the calculation of body composition variables, using standardized procedure recommended by previous studies. Data was analysed using SPSS and the descriptive statistics were expressed as a mean (SD) for each variable, while ANOVA and LSD Post Hoc test were carried out to detect the effects of each type of sport. The results showed that a significant difference was only found in body fat among the groups, while there was no significant difference in height, weight, Zaccagni, 2011 index, muscle mass or in bone content among the groups. Handball players showed significantly higher percentage of muscle mass than subjects from the control group, while no other differences were found regarding this variable. Soccer players showed significantly lower percentage of body fat than subjects from the control group, while no other differences were found regarding this variable. These findings may give coaches from the region better working knowledge, and suggest to them to follow recent selection process methods and to be more careful during the recruitment.
其他摘要:Namen raziskave je opisati antropometrične značilnosti in telesno zgradbo nogometašev in rokometašev mladincev iz srbske državne lige ter jih primerjati med seboj. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 72 športnikov, ki so bili razdeljeni v tri skupine: 25 nogometašev, 15 rokometašev in 32 zdravih merjencev, ki veliko časa preživijo sede. Vsi merjenci so opravili antropometrične meritve, na podlagi katerih smo izračunali spremenljivke telesne zgradbe, pri čemer smo uporabili standardiziran postopek, ki so ga priporočala predhodne raziskave. Podatke smo analizirali s statističnim paketom SPSS, deskriptivni statistični podatki pa so bili prikazani kot srednja vrednost (SD) za vsako spremenljivko. Izvedli smo tudi analizo ANOVA in test LSD Post Hoc, da smo lahko ugotovili učinke za vsako vrsto športa posebej. Rezultati so pokazali, da je bila statistično značilna razlika med skupinami ugotovljena samo v telesni maščobi, medtem ko v višini, telesni teži, indeksu po Zaccagni (2011), mišični masi ali kostni masi statistično značilnih razlik ni bilo. Rokometaši so pokazali značilno višji odstotek mišične mase kot merjenci iz kontrolne skupine, medtem ko drugih razlik pri tej spremenljivki ni bilo. Pri nogometaših je bil odstotek telesne maščobe značilno nižji kot pri merjencih iz kontrolne skupine, drugih razlik pa pri tej spremenljivki ni bilo. S temi ugotovitvami se lahko nadgradi delovno znanje trenerjev iz omenjene regije, poleg tega pa nakazujejo, naj izberejo najnovejše metode selekcije in naj sestavljanju ekip posvetijo več pozornosti.
关键词:sport; junior; soccer; handball; male athletes